Monday, July 15, 2013

Testing continues on the MFJ-1899T

I recently purchased a MFJ-1899T telescoping antenna for my Yaesu FT-817 to use on my portable ops excursions. I haven't had much luck with it in the 2 or 3 outings, but I was still holding out hopes that it will find a place in my portable radio bag. Now I know that this is a seriously compromised antenna, but hey...I want this antenna to work since it would be a perfect fit for what I do. So, when I got off work today an hour early, I thought it might be a good chance to get out in the yard and give it another go before darkness fell.

I tuned around the 20 and 10 meters, not hearing much. I even tried to call cq a few times, but no luck. Then I tuned to 15 meters. Ah...I finally heard some chatter around 21.280MHz. A faint station calling CQ DX, not strong, but it was the first I had heard. After a few minutes of listening, the band must have gotten a little better, I could clearly copy PY5EW located in south Brazil. I tried calling a few times, but he just couldn't copy me, so I gave it a break. I listened a few more minutes, hearing other people making the contact I wanted to make. I was about to switch antennas for a wire antenna when I thought I'd give it another chance (I really want this antenna to work). I called out my call sign, KK4DIV, and to my surprise, he came back KK4D?. I had him! After a few more tries back and forth he was able to read my call sign and give me a 5/5 signal report (he was 5/9).

I was pleased, to say the least, to make a contact to Brazil on 5 watts and a seriously compromised antenna system. Well, I am going to keep trying this antenna out, and if I can repeat what I did this afternoon, It surely will find a home in my bag and be used on a regular basis.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I still trying but I think my missing somthing with the conunterpoise.
    What type and quatity of counterpoise you used ??
    thanks EA4HQB


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